Asphalt Concrete Coating – Are you looking for asphalt pavement, if so? then you are on the right website. Because in this article we will share the types of asphalt concrete layers.
The asphalt concrete layer is
a tarmac layers on road construction comprising of a combination of hard black-top and total, blended and spread in a hot state and compacted at a specific temperature Another characteristic is that it has few voids in its aggregate structure, interlocking with one another, therefore asphalt concrete has high stability properties and is relatively rigid. (According to Highways Ministry of Public Works 2010).
Asphalt Coating Type
Asphalt concrete (Asphalt Concrete) in Indonesia is known as Laston (Asphalt Concrete Layer) which is a structural surface layer or top foundation layer. Asphalt concrete consists of 3 (three) layers, namely Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course or AC-WC, Asphalt Concrete-Binder Course or AC-BC, and Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course. Base or AC-Base). The minimum nominal thickness is 4 Cm, 5 Cm, and 6 Cm, respectively.
Asphalt Concrete Coating
Construction of the Upper Foundation (Base), Binder Course (Binder Course) and Surface Coating (Wearing Course)
Asphalt Concrete – Wearing Course (AC-WC)
Asphalt Concrete -Wearing Course is the topmost and functioning pavement layer which is the damaged level. Even though it is non-structural, AC-WC is able to maintain the durability of the pavement for quality loss thereby substantially increasing the service life of the pavement construction.
Asphalt Concrete – Binder Course
This layer is the pavement layer which is located below the wear layer (Wearing Course) and above the foundation layer (Base Course). This level is not directly connected with air, although it must have sufficient thickness and stiffness to reduce the stress/strain of traffic weights that will be transmitted to the lower caste, namely Base and Sub Grade area (basic). stability.
Asphalt Concrete – Base (AC-Base)
This layer is a pavement that is located under the binder layer (AC-BC), the pavement is not directly related to the weather, but it needs to have stability to withstand traffic loads that are spread through the wheels of the vehicle.
The difference lies in the type of aggregate gradation and the asphalt content used. According to the Department of Public Works (1983) Upper Laston or top foundation layer (AC-Base) is a pavement foundation consisting of a mixture of aggregate and asphalt with a certain ratio mixed and compacted in a hot state.
The foundation layer (AC-Base) has the function of providing support for the surface layer; reduce strain and stress; spreading and transmitting the road construction load below it (Sub Grade).
As a surface layer of road pavement, Laston (AC) has structural value, is waterproof, and has high stability. The provisions on the properties of hot asphalt mixtures according to the 2010 Bina Marga Specifications for Laston (AC) with coarse grades are listed in Table 2.1 below.
Table of Provisions for the Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixture (LASTON)
Asphalt Concrete Coating