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The Average Life Expectancy Of Solar Panels

Many people who install solar panels have the same question: “How long do they last?” It is becoming increasingly common for homeowners and business owners to convert to solar power. This makes it important to know the average lifespan of solar cells. The average lifespan of solar panels is around 25 years. However, this does not mean that they will cease producing electricity. Depending on the warranty from the manufacturer, the solar cells may begin to lose their energy production. You may need to maintain your solar system in order to prevent degradation early. This can reduce the lifespan of your system and limit productivity.

It Is So Important To Have a Standard Warranty

Many solar panel manufacturers and installers offer standard warranties on their panels. The warranty length often indicates the panel’s expected life expectancy. Many solar panels come with standard warranties of 25 years. This guarantees that they will operate at peak efficiency for the entire warranty period. Some companies stand behind panels with a guarantee of up to 90% efficiency. Other equipment, such as the inverter or monitoring equipment, will have different warranties and may be shorter.

Solar Panel Degradation

Solar panels can become less durable than you might expect. Solar panels that are exposed to extreme climate changes may be subjected to heavy and ongoing soiling. An improperly installed solar panel may also experience a higher rate of degradation. You can make improvements to your solar panel installation by taking advantage of the superior technology used by manufacturers who build solar panels.


It is important to understand the fundamentals of how solar panels work in order to extend the life expectancy of your solar power system. Solar panels are durable and are resistant to damage. You should be careful when connecting solar panels. Make sure you use a professional to install them. Also, arrange solar panels so that the sun reaches them in the best way possible. Also, consider the condition of your roof. If the roof is not properly assessed by an installer, you could have ongoing problems in the future.

Weather Factors

Solar panels can be damaged by multiple storms, which can cause the anti-reflective coating on the solar panel to lose its structural integrity. Glass can be damaged by hailstones and other large hailstones. Although many manufacturers will test and certify that their parts are able to withstand hailstorms and other severe weather conditions, it is often down to selecting the right panels for your climate.

Working with a professional solar team can help you extend the life of your panels. ESD Solar can help you reap the many benefits of Florida’s solar energy.

This post was written by Daniel Massaad, owner and expert solar technician at Energy Solutions Direct! ESD is the top choice for solar panels in Tampa! Our licensed and certified contractors are masters of their craft; with years of experience servicing the great Tampa Bay area and beyond, the choice is simple. ESD excels at offering you the best in solar value!

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